Semicolon Developers Competition

27 Jul, 2013 to 9 Aug, 2013


Let's have fun !
Minimum OB Score Required: 5
Please complete your profile by adding profile picture and your phone number. Phone verification is required for successful registration. OB will notify you by call during competition period to set time/date to play your match against opponent !

Max Participants



Lunch with Online Baghchal Team
(Aug 10th, Saturday, 5PM-7PM)

Each of the winners (Winner, 1st Runner up, 2nd Runner Up) will be provided 20% discount in Web Application Development with PHP/MySQL course at Semicolon Developers.

Congratulation winners of the competition. Special thanks to all the participants for their time and active presence during the competition period.

Final (Aug 8th)Show/Hide

5.1rajanhot (goat) Vs bimals (bagh)finished8 Aug, 2013Won by rajanhotDetails

Third Place (Aug 7th)Show/Hide

4.1nature (bagh) Vs hereshem (goat)finished6 Aug, 2013Won by hereshemDetails

Semi Final (Aug 4-5)Show/Hide

3.1hereshem (bagh) Vs bimals (goat)finished4 Aug, 2013Won by bimalsDetails
3.2rajanhot (bagh) Vs nature (goat)finished4 Aug, 2013Won by rajanhotDetails

Quarter Final (Aug 1-3)Show/Hide

2.1ssapkota (goat) Vs bimals (bagh)finished31 Jul, 2013Won by bimalsDetails
2.2prabhatms (bagh) Vs hereshem (goat)finished31 Jul, 2013Won by hereshemDetails
2.3yalamber (goat) Vs nature (bagh)finished31 Jul, 2013Won by natureDetails
2.4rajanhot (goat) Vs hawzstha (bagh)finished31 Jul, 2013Won by rajanhotDetails

Knockout ((Jul 28-32))Show/Hide

1.1Samit (bagh) Vs bimals (goat)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by bimalsDetails
1.2ssapkota (bagh) Vs ashishac (goat)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by ssapkotaDetails
1.3imkamalkumar (bagh) Vs hereshem (goat)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by hereshemDetails
1.4krazedkrish (bagh) Vs prabhatms (goat)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by prabhatmsDetails
1.5nature (goat) Vs officialPrazol (bagh)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by natureDetails
1.6bishal (goat) Vs yalamber (bagh)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by yalamberDetails
1.7hawzstha (goat) Vs suwish (bagh)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by hawzsthaDetails
1.8tnpokharel (goat) Vs rajanhot (bagh)finished28 Jul, 2013Won by rajanhotDetails

Competition Sponsors

Semicolon Developers are Open Source lovers. The team believes, the developers community should be beneficial to each other. The gain and loss should be shared, the achievements should be cheered together.