Benifits of introducing Baghchal strategy board game to your children early on

Strategy games, especially strategy board games are designed for challenging, focusing minds which not only provides entertainment but also develops various brain skills such as critical thinking, focus, observation and decision making skills.

Whenever, we talk about games for kids, strategy games are talked very often. Children are introduced to various types of games for their physical and mental development since young age. Physical games such as football, running and other outdoor games develop physical strength and ability in kids. But, for developing mental strength and sharpness of brain, kids are often subjected to strategy games.

Children are introduced to simple strategy games from very young age such as puzzle solving and strategy wordplay games such as word-bingo and hangman games. These games helps in developing key skills to young minds and people believe, children develop such critical skills when they are introduced to playing the strategy games.

Why Children should play Strategy Games?

In most of the developing countries, the curriculum also holds the strategy game for their student in kindergarten and primary levels, so as to improve their discipline, observation and thinking capabilities. But in most of the developing countries, mostly in South Asian countries, children are made to study overburden syllabus by curriculum, and no focus is given to such type of strategy games.

But, focusing kids on strategy games, they can achieve following benefits.
● Brain development
● Development of discipline and patience
● Improvement of mathematical skills
● Inherit socio-cultural skills
● Children develop sportsmanship from very young age.
● Provides fun activities along with academic curriculum, which helps to relieve stress from syllabus burden.
● Provides awareness of traditional or trendy games, their strategy, themes and messages.

Online Strategy Games for Children

Kids are the primary consumers of the game companies. Due to development of video games and online gaming universe, the outdoor gaming culture has slowly been depleting among the new generations. So, focusing on the nature of children, the game companies develop addicting video games, which has significant negative impact on the social skills and critical thinking skills in children.

Besides such games there are few online strategy games, which can be introduced to the kids. Chess, Checkers, Go are some of the strategy games available online. According to the data, the kids involved in these types of online strategy games are very less in percentage as compared to other video games. Here are some reasons behind these data and ideas to introduce them to strategy games.

Why kids don't play strategy games?

Most of the parents and primary grade children themselves know benefits of the strategy games but they can avoid such strategy games. Here's why children avoid playing strategy games.
● Complex rules and mechanics
● No interesting themes and symbolism
● Minimal entertainment as compared to other video games

Besides these, parents and teachers also don't introduce such games to the children so they don't know about the game and don't usually develop interest for such games. So, introducing, simple and easy to learn strategy games for children can develop their interest in such games.

Easy, Fun and Best Strategy Board Game for Kids: Baghchal

Baghchal is a two player strategy game, originated from Nepal, a south Asian country. Baghchal is a traditional game which is very minimal strategy game, with simple rules and provides entertainment as well as a message.

Baghchal can be introduced to the children as this game don't hold any expensive setup and complex rules. Here's why Baghchal can be best strategy board game for children:

  • Accessibility and Simplicity

    Baghchal has simple and straightforward rules, which is very easy to understand for the children. The game only consists of two pieces (characters) so there is no complexity identifying the game pieces and the moves assigned for the pieces are also identical, so children don't get trouble learning the game rules and setup is very minimal with a grid of intersecting lines and children can enjoy the game and involve in it. Here you can learn Baghchal rules and play Baghchal for practice.

  • Aware Culture and Significance of Games

    Strategy games are always associated with cultural importance and significance. These games always provide some message to the players and showcase the traditional aspect of the game. Baghchal game is played with two pieces (tiger and goat), which seems to be funnier for kids and might develop interest for playing strategy games. They also know that even strong entities can be defeated by weak entities using strategies and they develop interest in exploring the cultural aspect of the game

  • Enhances Cognitive Skills in Kids

    Playing Baghchal enhances the various cognitive skills in kids. Critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, pattern recognition and observation and discipline are some of the cognitive skills that kids learn from playing this game.

  • Develops Patience and Mathematical Skills

    Baghchal is played between two people. The game requires playing with a assigned piece, moving piece with strategy and waiting for opponent to complete their moves. Counting skills are developed as it involves counting game pieces while playing. So kids observe opponent moves and wait for their turn that develops patience and decision making.

  • Social Interaction, Respect and Discipline

    Strategy games don't involve any conflict. Baghchal creates social interaction, not only between players playing the game but also spectators watching the games. It develops respect, discipline and sportsmanship between each other.

You can play Online Baghchal, with facility of chatting with your opponent at

How to Introduce Baghchal to Children?

Baghchal has a lot of benefits for kids and also easy to understand and play, while it is quite challenging to introduce Baghchal to the kids. You can adopt following steps to introduce BaghChal to the kids.

  • Start with Basics

    You always have to start with basics to introduce new concepts to the kids. So, you can explain simple moves and setups. Engage them in learning the basics of the game, which doesn't bore them.

  • Engage yourself with Kids

    Children like to spend most of the times with their parents or loved ones. Whether you're a teacher or a parent, you can engage yourself with children in playing Baghchal.

    Baghchal is a two player strategy game, which suits every age group. So you can be the part of the game and engage them in playing.

    You can also setup game for two children and become their spectator, which will encourage them to play with heart.

  • Connect Game with Cultural Stories

    Kids often are attracted to listening to the cultural stories and folklores. You can describe the game connection with cultural significance, which makes them more involved in the game. Not only develops cognitive thinking this will enrich the cultural knowledge of the kids.

  • Encourage Creativity

    When the kids become familiar with the game, you can encourage them to think beyond the box and gradually increase the complexity of the game that won't make them bored and dive into in-depth strategy making. When they start feeling entertained with playing strategy games, they will themselves develop new strategy of thinking and playing.

  • Baghchal Tournaments

    Primary Grades teachers can arrange small Baghchal tournaments with some prizes to players and winners will develop interest in strategy games. Parents can also arrange competition between their kids. Baghchal can be played as a part of Children Day fest and Fun Fridays in academic curriculum.

Strategy games for kids, such as Baghchal, play a crucial role in mental development by enhancing critical thinking, observation, and decision making skills. Baghchal, a simple yet culturally rich game from Nepal, stands out due to its accessibility and cognitive benefits. Introducing children to Baghchal not only promotes brain development and social interaction but also imparts valuable life lessons. For an engaging and educational experience, try playing Baghchal online, where kids can practice their skills and enjoy the game.


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