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1141 Krishu (goat)aabhashfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by KrishuDetails
1142 bhu1st (goat)hereshemfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by bhu1stDetails
1143 aabhash (bagh)hereshemfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by hereshemDetails
1144 kheladi111 (goat)computergiveupJul 12, 2022Gave Up by kheladi111Details
1145 Krishu (goat)hereshemfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by hereshemDetails
1146 Krishu (goat)hereshemfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by hereshemDetails
1147 bimals (goat)bhu1stfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by bimalsDetails
1148 aabhash (goat)computerfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by aabhashDetails
1149 Karki (bagh)bhu1stfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by bhu1stDetails
1150 CPA2042 (goat)---waitingJul 12, 2022Waiting for playerJoin
1151 mahamurkha (goat)computerfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by computerDetails
1152 amar7 (goat)---waitingJul 12, 2022Waiting for playerJoin
1153 useruser (bagh)---waitingJul 12, 2022Waiting for playerJoin
1154 sanjeev2001 (goat)---waitingJul 12, 2022Waiting for playerJoin
1155 Dipim (goat)computerfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by DipimDetails
1156 BoibOi (goat)computerfinishedJul 12, 2022Won by BoibOiDetails
1157 bhu1st (goat)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by bhu1stDetails
1158 rajanhot (goat)bhu1stfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by rajanhotDetails
1159 rajanhot (bagh)bhu1stfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by rajanhotDetails
1160 aabhash (bagh)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by computerDetails
1161 aabhash (bagh)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by computerDetails
1162 aabhash (bagh)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by aabhashDetails
1163 aabhash (goat)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by computerDetails
1164 aabhash (bagh)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by computerDetails
1165 aabhash (bagh)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by computerDetails
1166 aabhash (bagh)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by aabhashDetails
1167 aabhash (goat)computerfinishedJul 11, 2022Won by computerDetails
1168 bhu1st (bagh)computerfinishedJul 10, 2022Won by bhu1stDetails
1169 bhu1st (goat)computerfinishedJul 10, 2022Won by bhu1stDetails
1170 bhu1st (bagh)computerfinishedJul 10, 2022Won by computerDetails
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