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1291 bishnn (goat)computerfinishedMar 10, 2017Won by bishnnDetails
1292 sarju (goat)bishwasfinishedMar 7, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1293 sarju (goat)bishwasfinishedMar 7, 2017Won by sarjuDetails
1294 sarju (goat)bishwasfinishedMar 2, 2017Won by sarjuDetails
1295 bhu1st (bagh)bishwasfinishedFeb 23, 2017Won by bhu1stDetails
1296 bishwas (goat)bhu1stfinishedFeb 23, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1297 bhu1st (goat)bishwasfinishedFeb 23, 2017Won by bhu1stDetails
1298 sarju (goat)bishwasfinishedFeb 21, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1299 sarju (goat)bishwasfinishedFeb 21, 2017Won by sarjuDetails
1300 bishwas (bagh)computerfinishedFeb 21, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1301 bishwas (goat)computerfinishedFeb 21, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1302 sudeep12 (bagh)---waitingFeb 21, 2017Waiting for playerJoin
1303 bishwas (goat)computerfinishedFeb 20, 2017Won by computerDetails
1304 johndoe (bagh)bhu1stdisputeFeb 20, 2017Claimed dispute by bhu1stDetails
1305 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 18, 2017Won by computerDetails
1306 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 17, 2017Won by wiselinkDetails
1307 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 17, 2017Won by wiselinkDetails
1308 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 17, 2017Won by computerDetails
1309 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 17, 2017Won by computerDetails
1310 wiselink (goat)computergiveupFeb 17, 2017Gave Up by wiselinkDetails
1311 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 17, 2017Won by computerDetails
1312 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 17, 2017Won by computerDetails
1313 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 17, 2017Won by computerDetails
1314 wiselink (goat)computergiveupFeb 16, 2017Gave Up by wiselinkDetails
1315 wiselink (goat)computerfinishedFeb 16, 2017Won by computerDetails
1316 wiselink (goat)bishwasfinishedFeb 16, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1317 wiselink (bagh)bishwasfinishedFeb 16, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1318 sarju (goat)bishwasfinishedFeb 14, 2017Won by bishwasDetails
1319 arunpyasi (goat)sunib95finishedFeb 13, 2017Won by sunib95Details
1320 arunpyasi (goat)sunib95finishedFeb 13, 2017Won by sunib95Details
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