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1531 star-star (goat)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1532 star-star (goat)computergiveupJul 25, 2014Gave Up by star-starDetails
1533 star-star (goat)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1534 star-star (goat)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by computerDetails
1535 star-star (goat)computergiveupJul 25, 2014Gave Up by star-starDetails
1536 star-star (goat)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1537 star-star (bagh)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1538 star-star (bagh)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1539 star-star (bagh)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1540 star-star (bagh)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1541 star-star (goat)computergiveupJul 25, 2014Gave Up by star-starDetails
1542 star-star (goat)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1543 star-star (goat)computergiveupJul 25, 2014Gave Up by star-starDetails
1544 star-star (goat)computergiveupJul 25, 2014Gave Up by star-starDetails
1545 star-star (goat)computergiveupJul 25, 2014Gave Up by star-starDetails
1546 star-star (goat)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by computerDetails
1547 star-star (goat)computerfinishedJul 25, 2014Won by star-starDetails
1548 ishwor (goat)---waitingJul 23, 2014Waiting for playerJoin
1549 endra (bagh)---waitingJul 21, 2014Waiting for playerJoin
1550 AngelD (goat)angellaiharyogiveupJul 19, 2014Gave Up by AngelDDetails
1551 angellaiharyo (goat)AngelDgiveupJul 19, 2014Gave Up by angellaiharyoDetails
1552 bibeka (goat)computerplayingJul 16, 2014Game is runningWatch
1553 bonesjones (bagh)crg328finishedJul 16, 2014Won by bonesjonesDetails
1554 barsana (bagh)bibekafinishedJul 16, 2014Won by bibekaDetails
1555 hereshem (goat)computerfinishedJul 7, 2014Won by computerDetails
1556 info.maheshg (bagh)computerfinishedJul 3, 2014Won by info.maheshgDetails
1557 info.maheshg (bagh)computerfinishedJul 3, 2014Won by info.maheshgDetails
1558 info.maheshg (bagh)computerfinishedJul 3, 2014Won by info.maheshgDetails
1559 ochos21 (goat)computerfinishedJun 30, 2014Won by ochos21Details
1560 ochos21 (goat)computerfinishedJun 29, 2014Won by ochos21Details
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