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661 Kausw (goat)computergiveupJul 5, 2023Gave Up by KauswDetails
662 sombt (goat)computerfinishedJul 2, 2023Won by sombtDetails
663 sombt (goat)computerfinishedJul 2, 2023Won by sombtDetails
664 sombt (goat)computergiveupJun 30, 2023Gave Up by sombtDetails
665 Juicexxx (goat)computergiveupJun 25, 2023Gave Up by JuicexxxDetails
666 Juicexxx (bagh)computergiveupJun 25, 2023Gave Up by JuicexxxDetails
667 Juicexxx (goat)computergiveupJun 25, 2023Gave Up by JuicexxxDetails
668 kishangupta (bagh)bhu1stfinishedJun 18, 2023Won by bhu1stDetails
669 sandeshadk (goat)computerfinishedJun 7, 2023Won by sandeshadkDetails
670 sandeshadk (goat)computerfinishedJun 7, 2023Won by sandeshadkDetails
671 sandeshadk (goat)computerfinishedJun 7, 2023Won by sandeshadkDetails
672 sandeshadk (goat)computerfinishedJun 7, 2023Won by sandeshadkDetails
673 sandeshadk (goat)computerfinishedJun 5, 2023Won by sandeshadkDetails
674 sameep (bagh)computerfinishedJun 1, 2023Won by sameepDetails
675 cirzovetri (bagh)computerfinishedMay 30, 2023Won by computerDetails
676 cirzovetri (bagh)computergiveupMay 30, 2023Gave Up by cirzovetriDetails
677 cirzovetri (bagh)computerfinishedMay 30, 2023Won by computerDetails
678 peppa (bagh)cirzovetrifinishedMay 30, 2023Won by peppaDetails
679 peppa (goat)cirzovetrifinishedMay 30, 2023Won by cirzovetriDetails
680 cirzovetri (goat)computerfinishedMay 30, 2023Won by cirzovetriDetails
681 peppa (goat)computergiveupMay 30, 2023Gave Up by peppaDetails
682 peppa (bagh)cirzovetrifinishedMay 30, 2023Won by peppaDetails
683 peppa (bagh)cirzovetrigiveupMay 30, 2023Gave Up by peppaDetails
684 gagan123 (goat)computerfinishedMay 29, 2023Won by computerDetails
685 gagan123 (goat)computerfinishedMay 29, 2023Won by computerDetails
686 gagan123 (goat)computergiveupMay 29, 2023Gave Up by gagan123Details
687 gagan123 (goat)computerfinishedMay 29, 2023Won by computerDetails
688 sombt (goat)computergiveupMay 24, 2023Gave Up by sombtDetails
689 sombt (goat)computerfinishedMay 24, 2023Won by sombtDetails
690 sombt (goat)computerfinishedMay 24, 2023Won by computerDetails
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