Recent Games

751 qqqqq (goat)computerfinishedApr 17, 2023Won by computerDetails
752 qqqqq (goat)computergiveupApr 17, 2023Gave Up by qqqqqDetails
753 sombt (bagh)computerfinishedApr 17, 2023Won by sombtDetails
754 sombt (goat)computerfinishedApr 17, 2023Won by sombtDetails
755 sombt (goat)computerfinishedApr 17, 2023Won by sombtDetails
756 sombt (goat)computerfinishedApr 17, 2023Won by sombtDetails
757 sombt (goat)computerfinishedApr 17, 2023Won by sombtDetails
758 sombt (goat)computerfinishedApr 17, 2023Won by computerDetails
759 goodweather37 (goat)bhu1stdisputeApr 15, 2023Claimed dispute by bhu1stDetails
760 sombt (goat)computerfinishedApr 11, 2023Won by sombtDetails
761 Chhorri (goat)computerfinishedApr 10, 2023Won by ChhorriDetails
762 Chhorri (goat)computergiveupApr 10, 2023Gave Up by ChhorriDetails
763 Chhorri (goat)computergiveupApr 10, 2023Gave Up by ChhorriDetails
764 reittes (goat)computerplayingApr 10, 2023Game is runningWatch
765 ramagurung (bagh)computerfinishedApr 9, 2023Won by ramagurungDetails
766 ramagurung (goat)computerfinishedApr 9, 2023Won by ramagurungDetails
767 ramagurung (goat)computerfinishedApr 9, 2023Won by ramagurungDetails
768 ramagurung (goat)computerfinishedApr 9, 2023Won by computerDetails
769 sameep (bagh)bhu1stfinishedApr 8, 2023Won by bhu1stDetails
770 bhu1st (goat)sameepfinishedApr 8, 2023Won by bhu1stDetails
771 reittes (goat)bhu1stfinishedApr 7, 2023Won by reittesDetails
772 Arjun (goat)computerfinishedApr 1, 2023Won by ArjunDetails
773 Arjun (goat)computerfinishedApr 1, 2023Won by computerDetails
774 Arjun (bagh)surajbidafinishedApr 1, 2023Won by ArjunDetails
775 surajbida (bagh)Nischal123finishedApr 1, 2023Won by Nischal123Details
776 surajbida (bagh)Nischal123finishedApr 1, 2023Won by surajbidaDetails
777 surajbida (goat)Nischal123giveupApr 1, 2023Gave Up by surajbidaDetails
778 surajbida (bagh)Nischal123finishedApr 1, 2023Won by surajbidaDetails
779 Kismat (bagh)computerfinishedMar 30, 2023Won by KismatDetails
780 Kismat (bagh)computerfinishedMar 30, 2023Won by KismatDetails
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