How to move Baghchal game pieces, let's learn about the placement of the pieces on the Baghchal board game
  • (1) Placement of Bagh (Tiger) and Goat pieces
  • (2) How to move Goat pieces
  • (3) How to move Bagh (Tiger) pieces

(1) Placement of Bagh (Tiger) and Goat piece

Basically in Baghachal, goats and tigers are placed on the intersections (called rooms) of the lines on the board. Example illustration of where you can place the goat pieces
tiger and goat placement image
  • Figure 1
The case of Figure 1 above, you can put the next goat piece in any of the intersections (rooms) marked with blue circle.
At the start of the game all the tigers are placed at the four corners of the board and it's goat's turn to place a piece on the board.
tiger placement to four corners
  • Figure 2

(2) How to move Goat piece

A goat piece can moved to the adjacent empty intersection (room) in the direction of the line as illustrated in the figure.
goat placement tactic image 1
  • Examples of direction that can move Figure 3
The case of Figure 3 above, you can move the goat in the direction of the blue arrow. You can't replace existing pieces or jump over a tiger or other goat piece if it already exists on the adjacent rooms.
goat placement tactic image 2 goat placement tactic image 3
  • Where goat can be or can not be moved Figure 4
The case of Figure 4 above, you will not be able to move the goat in the direction of red arrow but only in the direction of the blue arrow.

(3) How to move Bagh (Tiger) piece

Unlike goats the tiger can capture the goat pieces. Capturing is done by jumping over a goat piece in a straight line. Captured goat piece is removed from the board.
goat placement tactic image 3 goat placement tactic image 3
  • Left - prior to capture, Right - after the capture, Figure 5
You can also jump to the direction of the diagonal line, to catch the goat.
goat placement tactic image 3 goat placement tactic image 3
  • Left - prior to capture, Right - after the capture, Figure 6
However, if the jump go outside the board, or if it is not in a straight line, the jump does not meet in the direction of the line, the jump over 2 or more goats, the tiger player can not jump over goats in these situations.
goat placement tactic image 3 goat placement tactic image 3
  • Left - The jump to go outside the board. Right - The jump is not along the direction, Figure 7
goat placement tactic image 3 goat placement tactic image 3
  • Tigers can not jump over two goats or if there's a goat/tiger piece on the next room, Figure 8
goat placement tactic image 3 goat placement tactic image 3


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