- Baghchal Rules
- Board & Pieces
- How to Move Pieces
- Game Start & Phases
- How to Play
- How to Win as Goats
- How to Win as Tigers
- Tournaments
How to Play Baghchal board game, a step by step illustration.
This is the "Start Position" of the Baghchal board game.
Four tiger are at four corners of the board. By default now the first step will be of goat to put on board one-by-one till the last 20th piece.
Total 4 tiger and 20 goats
Starting the game >>
Here 1st goat piece is put on the board by goat palyer. Goat and tiger are allowed to put or move only on the circle of the board as shown in fig.
After you put a goat on board you are not allowed to move the same goat again untill you put all the 20 goats on the board
Step 1 >>
Here the tiger is moved near the goat by tiger player to capture the goat.
For further detail, how the tiger moves you can see the “Tactics of tiger” page help page.
Step 2 >>
Here 2nd goat is placed near the first goat to save the first goat by goat player.
For further detail, how the goat moves, you can see “Tactics of goat” on help page
Step 3 >>
Here the tiger is pulled back to its original position as it is unable to capture the goat.
You can move any tiger, its not necessary that you have to move the same tiger. Its just a demo for you.
Step 4 >>
Here is a condition where goat has moved 6th goat on the board and you can see the goat with green circle. Now the turn is of tiger and you ll see in next step 6 where tiger captures the goats.
This is a demo condition and you ll be clear on next step, how tiger takes the goats.
Step 5 >>
Here is continues sequences of moves of tiger and goats where tiger captures 3 goats simultaneously and goats after that blocks tiger to capture more goats.
This clearly demonstrate you how the tiger captures the goats and how the goats can block tiger to capture more goats.
Step 6 >>
This is the last step from step 6. Here 3 goats are dead but goat has made 2 free rooms (blue circle) which is plus points for goats.
Here goat has moved 15 goats and now 5 more goats to move still from this demo game.
Step 7 >>
Here is the condition where goat player had all 20 goats on the board and in which 3 goats are dead, so you see 17 goats on the board now. In next step you ll see the move of goat.
This is on going condition of the same demo game.
Step 8 >>
Here you see a goat is moved and shown by green circle and an arrow, as now all the 20 goats are placed already and now the goat player can move any goat to any empty room near by it.
After 20th goat placed on board, goat player is allowed to move any goat to the adjacent empty room.
Step 9 >>
This is a "Win Condition" for Goat.
As you see there is no any room for the tiger to move.
When all the 4 tigers don't have any room to move, then Goat Wins. The position of tigers here are only for the demo to understand the condition.
Step 10 >>
This is a "Win Condition" for Tiger.
As you see here 5 goats are dead and tiger are free to move.
When at least 5 goats are dead then this is the condition for Tiger to win.
Step 11 >>
I hope you have learned how to play the Baghchal board game
Now, pick a side and go try a game with Baghchal Computer Player
The End